Pivovarnické stroje
Nastavit hlídacího psaNalezeno celkem 7 inzerátů
Kompletní technologie pivovaru, Varna 5Hl
1 300 000 Kč
Prodám kompletní technologii zaběhlého minipivovaru, včetně příslušenství a receptů. Původní výrobek firmy Pacovské strojírny, varna dvounádobová: 1. rmutomladinová pánve, 2. zcezovací káď, pracovní objem 500l. Ohřev el. tělesy 5x 2,5kw, míchadlo, rmutovací čerpadlo, scezovací čerpadlo s frekvenčním měničem, čerpadlo na přepouštění, nerez potrubí.
deskový chladič mladiny,
2x nerezová káď na zrání piva, včetně chlazení, každá 1000l,
6x tanky 1000l dvouplášťové chlazené glykolem,
chlazení tanků VCHG10 Pacovské strojírny,
mačkadlo na slad Roppi-250,
stáčečka na lahve, myčka sudů,
el. váha, sudy, lahve a cca 9 receptur na pivo
Cena 1 300000,-kč
deskový chladič mladiny,
2x nerezová káď na zrání piva, včetně chlazení, každá 1000l,
6x tanky 1000l dvouplášťové chlazené glykolem,
chlazení tanků VCHG10 Pacovské strojírny,
mačkadlo na slad Roppi-250,
stáčečka na lahve, myčka sudů,
el. váha, sudy, lahve a cca 9 receptur na pivo
Cena 1 300000,-kč
Sanitační stanice CIP
44 000 Kč
Prodám novou nerezovou CIP stanici, nádoba 200 litrů izolovaná, stavoznak, čerpadlo, jímka pro el. keramickou spirálu. Cena za komplet 44.000 Kč (bez DPH)
Výčepní dno sudu s 6 kohouty
5 000 Kč
Prodám výčepní dno sudu s 6 kohouty. Průměr 60cm, výška 15cm
Dvounádobová varna 10HL
Prodám dvounádobovou varnu 10hl
Ovladání manuální,možnost dokoupení poloautomatické ovládání.
Ohřev topné pásy 40kw ,po domluvě je možnost předělání na otop párou.Jsme výrobci ,tak je i možnost vyrobit další komponenty např,tanky,spilky,myčku keg sudu,sanitaci Cip.
Varna byla v provozu cca 3 roky.
Montáž a zapojení vám zajistíme.
Kdo potřebuje navýšení kapacity,tak volejte cena je o dohodě.Beersun s.r.o
Ovladání manuální,možnost dokoupení poloautomatické ovládání.
Ohřev topné pásy 40kw ,po domluvě je možnost předělání na otop párou.Jsme výrobci ,tak je i možnost vyrobit další komponenty např,tanky,spilky,myčku keg sudu,sanitaci Cip.
Varna byla v provozu cca 3 roky.
Montáž a zapojení vám zajistíme.
Kdo potřebuje navýšení kapacity,tak volejte cena je o dohodě.Beersun s.r.o
Nabízíme dovoz pivovarského zařízení dle vašich požadavků, nebo i kompletního minipivovaru dle vašich představ. Poptejte, probereme nejvýhodnější variantu i s možným náhledem kvality přímo u nás.
Mikropivovar pro výrobu 100-140 litrů piva denně
1 345 867 Kč
Three-units brewhouse for 300 liters — model: BHW-300
In our standard base kit we offer two and three-unit brewhouses.
The two-units brewhouse contains:
Mash-wort kettle;
Lauter tun;
Piping and pump(s);
Remote control for two units;
The three-units brewhouse also contains a whirlpool and a control panel for three units.
The rest of the units, such as a mash-kettle, hot and cold water tanks, we offer as additional equipment at the client's choice.
Cost of equipment:
Base equipment
Roller malt mill 150 kg/h RM-150 1 pcs.
CCT at 300 liters CCT-300 7 pcs.
Plate sanitary wort chiller for wort cooling HE-300 HE-300 1 pcs.
CIP-station for tanks up to 600 liters and beer kegs CIP60(2)K 1 pcs.
Beer Glycol Chiller for Fermentation Tanks Cooling CH-6 1 pcs.
Three-units brewhouse for 300 liters BHW-300 1 pcs.
Cost of base equipment: 45730,00 €
Additional equipment
Hot water tank at 600 liters HWT-600 1 pcs.
Cold water tank at 600 liters CWT-600 1 pcs.
Cost of additional eqiupment: 6950,00 €
Cost of complete set: 52680,00 €
Electricity consumers:
Roller malt mill – 1.5 kWt
CIP-station – 3.8 kWt
Beer Glycol Chiller – 3 kWt
Three-units brewhouse – 25 kWt
Hot water tank – 5 kWt
A feature of our breweries is the lack of a steam generator - quite expensive and not convenient to operate the unit. Heating of the mash / wort is ensured by the heating of the jacket over the entire inner surface of the mash-wort kettle. Heat carrier in the heating jacket is food grade propylene glycol. Heating element - electric heating elements or gas burner. Our heating system is safe and easy to operate, and the heating design is reliable and durable. Our heating system was tried and appreciated by our customers around the world.
Production of a brewhouse with a steam jacket is possible.
Tel. +380931071000 (WhatsApp) Iryna
In our standard base kit we offer two and three-unit brewhouses.
The two-units brewhouse contains:
Mash-wort kettle;
Lauter tun;
Piping and pump(s);
Remote control for two units;
The three-units brewhouse also contains a whirlpool and a control panel for three units.
The rest of the units, such as a mash-kettle, hot and cold water tanks, we offer as additional equipment at the client's choice.
Cost of equipment:
Base equipment
Roller malt mill 150 kg/h RM-150 1 pcs.
CCT at 300 liters CCT-300 7 pcs.
Plate sanitary wort chiller for wort cooling HE-300 HE-300 1 pcs.
CIP-station for tanks up to 600 liters and beer kegs CIP60(2)K 1 pcs.
Beer Glycol Chiller for Fermentation Tanks Cooling CH-6 1 pcs.
Three-units brewhouse for 300 liters BHW-300 1 pcs.
Cost of base equipment: 45730,00 €
Additional equipment
Hot water tank at 600 liters HWT-600 1 pcs.
Cold water tank at 600 liters CWT-600 1 pcs.
Cost of additional eqiupment: 6950,00 €
Cost of complete set: 52680,00 €
Electricity consumers:
Roller malt mill – 1.5 kWt
CIP-station – 3.8 kWt
Beer Glycol Chiller – 3 kWt
Three-units brewhouse – 25 kWt
Hot water tank – 5 kWt
A feature of our breweries is the lack of a steam generator - quite expensive and not convenient to operate the unit. Heating of the mash / wort is ensured by the heating of the jacket over the entire inner surface of the mash-wort kettle. Heat carrier in the heating jacket is food grade propylene glycol. Heating element - electric heating elements or gas burner. Our heating system is safe and easy to operate, and the heating design is reliable and durable. Our heating system was tried and appreciated by our customers around the world.
Production of a brewhouse with a steam jacket is possible.
Tel. +380931071000 (WhatsApp) Iryna
Mikropivovar na výrobu 200–280 litrů piva denně
1 497 878 Kč
Three-units brewhouse for 300 liters — model: BHW-300
In our standard base kit we offer two and three-unit brewhouses.
The two-units brewhouse contains:
Mash-wort kettle;
Lauter tun;
Piping and pump(s);
Remote control for two units;
The three-units brewhouse also contains a whirlpool and a control panel for three units.
The rest of the units, such as a mash-kettle, hot and cold water tanks, we offer as additional equipment at the client's choice.
Cost of equipment:
Base equipment
Roller malt mill 150 kg/h RM-150 1 pcs.
CCT at 600 liters CCT-600 7 pcs.
Plate sanitary wort chiller for wort cooling HE-300 HE-300 1 pcs.
CIP-station for tanks up to 600 liters and beer kegs CIP60(2)K 1 pcs.
Beer Glycol Chiller for Fermentation Tanks Cooling CH-6 CH-6 1 pcs.
Three-units brewhouse for 300 liters BHW-300 1 pcs.
Cost of base equipment: 51680,00 €
Additional equipment
Hot water tank at 600 liters HWT-600 1 pcs.
Cold water tank at 600 liters CWT-600 1 pcs.
Cost of additional eqiupment: 6950,00 €
Cost of complete set: 58630,00 €
Electricity consumers:
Roller malt mill – 1.5 kWt
CIP-station – 3.8 kWt
Beer Glycol Chiller – 3 kWt
Three-units brewhouse – 25 kWt
Hot water tank – 5 kWt
A feature of our breweries is the lack of a steam generator - quite expensive and not convenient to operate the unit. Heating of the mash / wort is ensured by the heating of the jacket over the entire inner surface of the mash-wort kettle. Heat carrier in the heating jacket is food grade propylene glycol. Heating element - electric heating elements or gas burner. Our heating system is safe and easy to operate, and the heating design is reliable and durable. Our heating system was tried and appreciated by our customers around the world.
Production of a brewhouse with a steam jacket is possible.
Tel. +380931071000 (WhatsApp) Iryna
In our standard base kit we offer two and three-unit brewhouses.
The two-units brewhouse contains:
Mash-wort kettle;
Lauter tun;
Piping and pump(s);
Remote control for two units;
The three-units brewhouse also contains a whirlpool and a control panel for three units.
The rest of the units, such as a mash-kettle, hot and cold water tanks, we offer as additional equipment at the client's choice.
Cost of equipment:
Base equipment
Roller malt mill 150 kg/h RM-150 1 pcs.
CCT at 600 liters CCT-600 7 pcs.
Plate sanitary wort chiller for wort cooling HE-300 HE-300 1 pcs.
CIP-station for tanks up to 600 liters and beer kegs CIP60(2)K 1 pcs.
Beer Glycol Chiller for Fermentation Tanks Cooling CH-6 CH-6 1 pcs.
Three-units brewhouse for 300 liters BHW-300 1 pcs.
Cost of base equipment: 51680,00 €
Additional equipment
Hot water tank at 600 liters HWT-600 1 pcs.
Cold water tank at 600 liters CWT-600 1 pcs.
Cost of additional eqiupment: 6950,00 €
Cost of complete set: 58630,00 €
Electricity consumers:
Roller malt mill – 1.5 kWt
CIP-station – 3.8 kWt
Beer Glycol Chiller – 3 kWt
Three-units brewhouse – 25 kWt
Hot water tank – 5 kWt
A feature of our breweries is the lack of a steam generator - quite expensive and not convenient to operate the unit. Heating of the mash / wort is ensured by the heating of the jacket over the entire inner surface of the mash-wort kettle. Heat carrier in the heating jacket is food grade propylene glycol. Heating element - electric heating elements or gas burner. Our heating system is safe and easy to operate, and the heating design is reliable and durable. Our heating system was tried and appreciated by our customers around the world.
Production of a brewhouse with a steam jacket is possible.
Tel. +380931071000 (WhatsApp) Iryna